Saturday, May 23, 2009

Just keep swimming, keep swimming, swimming

We were having lunch 2 days ago at office Canteen. As usual, not much choice around the mixed rice corner so majority of us settled for the so called “special” corner, menu of the day: Wantan Mee. Some were chatting and some were busy trying to finish up their dishes in less than 30 min. Suddenly, Foo (aka Zhaun) shrieked:

“Oh my F***ing GOD!!! There is a WORM in my Wantan Mee!!!”

Foo had more than half of his share. Everyone was distracted from their busy eating and said “It’s not WORM it is a baby cockroach la…”. Shook Yee and me ended up snapping like paparazzi and my photos turns out as if the cockroach was diving for a swim Tongue:

Just Keep SwimmingDSC01604

Just keep swimming

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming … Dead~

After hard persuasion, Foo reluctantly brought it to Aunty to get a refund. Aunty was so scared and apologize tons of time and refunded. If we ever report this, canteen can get very serious actions which include change of canteen management.

Well, result was Foo did not get any stomach ache at all. Foo consume more protein compared to all of us…




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